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Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė - Britanija.co.uk Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė - Britanija.co.uk

Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė


Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė

Londone auga būsima Lietuvos popžvaigždutė



Anglijos sostinėje penktus metus skaičiuojanti dainininkė Donata Virbilaitė čia įkūrė savo muzikos studiją „Dloud“ vaikams ir suaugusiems. Butent čia gimsta ir nauji Lietuvos talentai.

„Šiuo metu turiu 7 individualius mokinius ir džiaugiuosi matytama, kaip jie tobulėja. Matau kad Anglijoje gyvena daug talentingų lietuvaičių, o žinant koks sudėtingas yra muzikanto kelias, norisi jiems padėti“.

Viena tokių – dvylikametė Elona Daraškevičiutė. Nedrąsi, mažutė mergaitė po truputi virsta tikra pop muzikos princese. Mergaitė pristato savo pirmąją dainą, populiaraus atlikejo John Legend kūrinį „All of me“.

„Elona labai stipri mergaitė su dideliu talentu. Matau, kad didelio darbo ir noro dėka jos laukia šviesi ateitis muzikos pasaulyje. Labai tikiuosi žmonių palaikymo atveriant Elonai kelius į didžiąją sceną“, – gerų žodžių Elonai negaili jos mokytoja Donata Virbilaitė.

Jau po naujų metų mergaitė pristatys naują kūrinį Lietuvių kalba, bei pasirodys Donatos studijos organizuojamoje pavasario šventėje.

Elonos Daraskevičiutės daina – Jūsų dėmesiui:

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Shortened self-isolation time




corona virus

In England, people who tested positive for COVID-19 were shortened to five full days. To help reduce labor shortages across the economy, this is not the first time that self-isolation has been shortened. Last month, England was already shortened from 10 to seven days – if the sixth and seventh day tests were negative.

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COVID-19 closes France to the UK




corona virus

France will ban British people from entering the country from December 18 in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. This will try to stop the spread of the Omicron virus. In order to enter the country, the necessary documents and the necessary reason will be required.

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ZINGR – not dating app to find new friends in UK

If you are looking some not dating apps to find new friends in UK ZINGR is one of the options. There are many dating apps like Tinder, Badoo or Bumble but if you are looking for social networks there arent many options




not dating app to find friends in UK

If you are looking some not dating apps to find new friends in UK ZINGR is one of the options. There are many dating apps like Tinder, Badoo or Bumble but if you are looking for social networks there arent many options. Some of people from UK use Facebook, Instagram or Meetup apps to find new friends, but most of these arent the best choise.

Find friends with similar interest in UK

ZINGR local app use hashtags to connet people nearby and you can find friends with similar interest. If you want to make friends in UK with similar hobbies, just share some content with popular hashtags and find people near you. ZINGR is a great app to find friends near you who loves same things as you.

New feature Stories nearby on ZINGR app can help you to discover what happens in your city. If you are living in London, Liverpool or any othe United Kingdom city ZINGR can help you do know what happens around you.


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