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Nuotaka iš Anglijos dėl pavogto žiedo išdavė jaunikį policijai - Britanija.co.uk Nuotaka iš Anglijos dėl pavogto žiedo išdavė jaunikį policijai - Britanija.co.uk

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Entertainment / Pramogos

Nuotaka iš Anglijos dėl pavogto žiedo išdavė jaunikį policijai

Nuotaka iš Anglijos dėl pavogto žiedo išdavė jaunikį policijai

Photo: Shutterstock



Leidinio duomenimis, incidentas įvyko Vakarų Midlandso grafystėje. 38-metų Steven Reid, kartu su bendrininku apiplėšė 91-erių metų moters namus. Tarp pavogtų daiktų buvo ir auksinis sužadėtuvių žiedas, kurį Reid įteikė savo merginai piršlybų metu.

Netrukus nuotaka sužinojo, kad žiedas yra policijos ieškomų juvelyrinių dirbinių sąraše ir informavo juos apie piršlybas. Teisėsaugos pareigūnai sugebėjo rasti įrodymų prieš Reid — jo pirštų atspaudai buvo palikti ant vieno iš apiplėšimo metu naudotų įrankių.

Teismas pripažino vyrą kaltu ir nuteisė jį kalėti 4 metus ir 9 mėnesius. Reid bendrininkas gavo 4 metus ir 3 mėnesius laisvės atėmimo.

Jungtinėje Karalystėje nuotaka padėjo policijai sugauti piktadarį, apiplėšusį senyvo amžiaus pasiturinčią moterį, praneša „The Daily Mail”.

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Entertainment / Pramogos

Which app is best for making friends in United Kingdom?




meet local people in UK

Sometimes, it’s hard to make new friends in UK, or you don’t know where to start. Durint the lockdown most of us spend on online, so dating and local social networks are one of the best ways to meet people. Dating apps like Bumble, Tinder or Badoo can help you to find a soulmate, but for new friends ZINGR is one of the best options. People are tired of swipeing left or right, paying some money and getting no replay, so social apps like ZINGR can be a good alternative to dating apps.

Meet new people in London

There are more than 10 million people only in London. The UK capital and the biggest city in United Kingdom. So its not easy to meet new people with same hobbies. Local app ZINGR can be great to meet like – minded people near you. Just share some popular videos, photos or what you doing at this moment. This is great to find new friends.

Share stories nearby and meet people live in UK

There are many things what happens right now in UK. People haveing some fun at the club, some of them just going for a walk, playing games or just looking for some friends to go for a ride. If you are looking for some like – minded friends, just share live video with people around you. These local stories nearby can help you to meet people quickly. Stories are spreading on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, but only the local app ZINGR can help you to discover nearby trending things in your area.

ZINGR app is worldwide social network released by Kęstutis Gedaitis, and can be downloaded from Apple, Google Play.

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Entertainment / Pramogos

How to make friends in London as a student?




find friends in London as a student?

London is one of the best city for students, but if you are looking for new friends in London you may need some help. Dating apps during the quarantine are going viral, but people from London don`t use them to make new friends. If you want to make local friends in London as a student ZINGR is one of the best apps you should try.

Why ZINGR is the best app to make friends in London as a student?

ZINGR – local social network to discover nearby people and to know what happens in your city. If you are a student, first time in London, it may be hard to make new friends with similar interest. London is one of the biggest megacities, so you may need to try some social networks like ZINGR to connect local people with same interest. ZINGR use GPS to discover people near you with same hobbies. If you are interesting just for ex.: in sport, jus share some photos, videos with a hashtag #sport and you will discover people in London who loves same hobbie as you.

Most of student loves to go outisde, have some fun, parties. Visit these place, share some positive content with people around you and you will discover some friendly students around you. More you move, and more you share – more people with same interest you will discover.

London may be to big city quickly to find friends with similar interest in public, so ZINGR can help you to find local friends in your area.

to make friends in London as a student?

How to make friends in London as a student?


What you should share with student in London?

If you want to make friends, no doubt you should share positive content with people around you. Student from London loves to share their selfies with friends, parties, chilling places. So you should discover these trending things around you, comment, be friendly and sooner or later just start chatting and connect these people. Funny videos, amazing photos, good content should be shared with local students if you want to connect them. Don`t be rude. Be friendly.

How to download ZINGR app to make friends in London as a student?

ZINGR app can be downloaded from many of popular apps stores: GetJar, Apple store, Amazon, Google play and others. This app is free to use. ZINGR was released in 2020 in Lithuania by Kęstutis Gedaitis and this app support now more than 50 languages. This is great as you can connect with foreign students, chat and make friends around the world.

ZINGR website: https://zingr.app


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Business / Verslas

How does adult find friends in London? Meet ZINGR – local app to meet new people in UK




adult find friends

Most of us knows dating apps Bumble or Badoo, a great dating apps released in United Kingdom as worldwide alternative to Tinder. But there are also some social networks for adult people in Uk to meet new friends. Lets meet ZINGR – local social network to connect people nearby and find adult friends.

ZINGR – location based social network. Use #hashtag to meet adult people in United Kingdom

adult find friends in UK

adult find friends in UK


Local app ZINGR is a great app to meet like – minded people who are living nearby. This social network use GPS to connect people in your area, so its great to find adult with same interest. Users from UK use popular tags to reach local people, and the most trending hashtags are going viral, in top of the „trending nearby tags“ list. This is great to get more attention from your neighbors and to meet people with similar hobbies.


What happens in your neighborhood? Discover stories in your area


Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook..all these popular networks use Stories. But to know what happens around you – ZINGR is a one of the apps you should try. ZINGR allows people from United Kingdom to discover live stories nearby. This is great to know what going on in your neighborhood.

Social network ZINGR was released in 2019 by Kęstutis Gedaitis and the latest version of social network ZINGR can be downloaded from Apple, GetJar, Amazon or Google play store.



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